Computer Science 1

This is my webpage for GITA 1. I'm learning C#
this year. We are using Visual Studio to code
our projects. I'm new to coding but I have
learned alot

Goodbye Project

Date: 12/5

In this project we learned how to say goodbye
in different languages and make the images
of the flags of the language appear

Help Page

Date: 12/5

In this project we made a logo and made a help
page using that logo

Car Rental

Date: 12/5

In this project we made a car rental shop where
you can put in the miles and it will input the cost
based on a predetermined rate

Car Rental Upgrade

In this project we made a car rental shop where
you can put in the miles and it will input the cost
based on a predetermined rate, but added some more to it

Dice Roller

In this class project we made a simulation
that rolls a dice and calculates probabilities


Inputs two grades and averages them out

Taco Truck

Simulates A Taco Truck that allows you to
make your own taco, add extras, and calculates based
on a set price

Rock Paper Scissors Spock

A rock paper scissors spock game you and
another person can play

2D Subs

2 subs move randomly, hitting objects

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe Game


Makes it look like the stars are moving

Fishing Simulator

A fishing game where you can catch fish

Number Array

Rolls 100 numbers and finds
evens, odds, and average, as well
as highest and lowest